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Summer Sale! Use Code: "SAVE20" To Receive An Extra 20$ OFF
Summer Sale! Use Code: "SAVE20" To Receive An Extra 20$ OFF

About Us

HomeReflex, an online retail destination, offers competitive pricing on top-notch indoor and outdoor home products. Our primary goal is to ensure a remarkable shopping experience by delivering outstanding customer service and unbeatable prices.
At HomeReflex and in collaboration with our partners, we take pride in delivering these premium indoor and outdoor home goods to your doorstep with free shipping and zero taxes imposed on your purchase.
With over half a decade of experience, we've established a solid online presence, backed by a dedicated team. Our vision is to expand our enterprise, providing customers with the finest indoor and outdoor home products on the market.
If you have any inquiries regarding our products or wish to inquire about item availability, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us via phone at 800-969-7166 or through email at